That’s a Rap.. Or is it?

Zoe Aleksa

It was towards the end of last school year, a pleasant spring day when it started. The rapping phenomena hit Newsome and it hit Newsome hard, hundreds of self written raps were posted to twitter within the span of about two weeks. Some were truly fire and some were truly cringe worthy (you know who you are) but one thing that’s certain is that they were truly everywhere.

What was the spark that started the excess of original raps? Most would say it was The Lindbeck Bros, Brett and Drew Lindbeck who started it and boy did they do it well. “Me and my brother, we rapped all the time. It was a hobby, we did it for fun,” Drew recalls. He mentions being inspired by Chris Bryant and Daniel Morales. With Brett away at college, Drew brought in his sister Nicole and together they dropped one of the best raps yet called “Hello Darlin’”. Nearly everyone’s heard it, but do they think it’s going to start the revival of Newsome raps?

Junior Adam Cook doesn’t think so. “I think it was so good anyone else who tries will be lower than him,” Cook believes. When asked if he’s heard the new rap Junior Connor Bornstein says, “Yeah it was fire.” Drew’s new rap made him fall in love but he doesn’t think it will bring back the trend.

Senior and singer Gustavo Larrea says, “He will be the catalyst for Newsome raps and looks good doing it.” Larrea says he prefers singing however and adds, “Mostly I just sit in my room singing acapella, I’m pretty good at it. I could kill the rap game if I wanted to though.” Senior Alexa Groat describes Drew’s rap as really good and says she, “Would literally buy it on iTunes,” and Junior Quinn Abreu says, “He spits bars”.

Sophomore Jill Devine thinks Drew could bring the raps back. “He’s real good,” Devine says. Sophomore Gabby Provenzano gives a real enthusiastic nod when asked if he brought back Newsome raps. “I like the music a lot, his sister has a good voice,” senior Christian Tucker says. Does he think Drew has relit the flame that is Newsome rapping? “I hope not,” Tucker added.

What does the man of the hour (figuratively) think? “I don’t know if people are willing,” Drew says. “They will try but I don’t know if they’ll get to the level I’m on,” he adds. Could that be a challenge? No matter what, stay tuned because he isn’t done. Drew Lindbeck says to expect about 2 or 3 more raps to hit soon.