Conspiracies 101

Abby O'Brian, Features Reporter

Conspiracies are always good at spicing up a conversation, whether you want to debate about historic events, high profile deaths, or how the world works. Popular controversial theories are the moon landing, 9/11, John F. Kennedy’s assassination, and the Mandela effect.

The landing of Apollo 11 occurred on July 20th, 1969.  It was the first successful manned mission and made the U.S.—to this date—the only country to have manned missions to the moon. The conspiracy here is easy to understand. The purpose of the non-believers is valid. At the time of the landing, the U.S. was originally tailing behind the Russians after their successful rocket launches. With the tensions between the world powers at the time, the U.S. needed to keep their stance so faking the landing would make sense. Since this theory has existed, numerous videos have been released debunking it and showing facts that would be difficult to make spurious.

Now this event hits home more than most because of all the lives lost in the tragedy that took place on September 11th, 2001. The arguable facts of this theory are abundant. When the buildings were being built, the architects made groundbreaking designs that made them beyond durable. After the first plane hit the North tower at 8:45am and the second plane hit the south tower at 9:45am it came as a shock when the south tower fell to its destruction less than a measly 15 minutes later and at 10:45am when the North tower followed in the steps of the south tower. The two towers were built to withstand 200 mph wind, but the tremendous heat generated by the Jet fuel would be the Achilles heel of both towers. The four hijacked planes remain a topic of a discussion whenever conspiracies are brought up because some of the facts are nebulous.

The assassination of John F. Kennedy, the 35th president, was another sad day in history. Theories of the involvement of the CIA, the Mafia, sitting Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, Cuban Prime Minister Fidel Castro, and the KGB all exist. His death happened on November 22nd, 1963 during an event in Dallas, Texas. Thomas Buchanan’s Who Killed Kennedy?, published in May 1964, has been said to be the first book alleging a conspiracy. Being as popular as Kennedy was, his death caused many issues and after the shooter was arrested and later shot while being transferred, conspiracies about his death being a part of a bigger plan stemmed.

The Mandela Effect is a theory that says groups of people remember certain facts different than other groups. Examples include Oscar Mayer vs. Oscar Meyer, the monopoly man having a monocle, The Berenstain Bears vs. The Berenstein Bears, Darth Vader doesn’t say “Luke I am your father,” and countless others. This theory does not offer an explanation it just causes much confusion. I clearly could not include them all, but I encourage looking up examples because you might even remember some things “wrong.”