
Kaylalea Mendez

Senioritis is a phenomenon that has been affecting high school students for decades; a term used to classify the symptoms high school seniors often battle towards the final weeks of their high school education.

The term itself has become so common that it is not limited to just seniors anymore; many others find themselves experiencing the same symptoms. Now senioritis has always been a known term in a teenagers vocabulary, but what does it really mean?

Google defines it as, β€œa supposed affliction of students in their final year of high school or college, characterized by a decline in motivation or performance.” Therefore, feelings of laziness, zero motivation to do simple tasks, and even fatigue can all be classified as symptoms of senioritis. This is why it can be quite difficult to keep seniors on tasks in the final months.

Mr. Goodrick, who teaches AP US History and economics, stated, β€œIt can be challenging because seniors are anxious to graduate, but they still have to stay focused on finishing the year strong.”

Now it may be easier to understand why this term can be used in other situations. Many teachers find themselves experiencing the same symptoms as their second semester seniors.