Josh’s Declassified AP Edition

Advanced Placement testing is right around the corner. The first test is going to be on May 4th. Obviously these tests are very important as they give you college credit hours depending on how well you do on them. Now studying for these tests can be difficult and boring. However

JOSHUA RUMMAGE, Editor-in-chief

Advanced Placement testing is right around the corner. The first test is going to be on May 4th. Obviously these tests are very important as they give you college credit hours depending on how well you do on them. Now studying for these tests can be difficult and boring. However if you follow these four simple and fun steps, you will not only have fun while studying but also make sure that you do well on your test.

And The Oscar Goes To

One problem with studying is that is usually requires you to memorize a lot of information. That can get extremely boring, so you have to make it interesting. One fun way to memorize a lot of vocabulary or theories is to turn the information into a short “movie”. Write a script that has all of the vocabulary listed throughout and then perform your script. By the end of film, hopefully you know your script so well that you can win an Oscar for your performance. However this is not a guaranteed method since the Oscar system isn’t always fair, sometimes you could not win the Oscar even though you have a great performance. This studying phenomena is known as the Dicaprio effect.

Be eHarmony

eHarmony is known for making connections for people who cannot find love on their own. Sometimes while studying it can be hard for things to connect for some people. One great way to make vocabulary connect is by having one flash card with the definition on it and then another flash card with the vocab word on it. This will definitely help with your studying, and just like eHarmony, this way has more connections than any other.

Huddle Up

Studying can get trivial especially when you are doing so by yourself. Teams cannot win on their own, they have to work together. So why should you have to try to pass the AP test on your own? You need to work with a team, so get a couple of friends that are in the same class so you can study.

Spittin’ Bars

One great way to learn is by putting the information to song. Now you can do this with a current song like “Uptown Funk”, and get your funk on while studying. You could also easily put words to the great song “Blank Space” by Taylor Swift (if you have a blank space remember to write the name). This is a fun way to remember the information that will totally help.

Air It Out

Sometimes, you can get tired of studying no matter how interesting you make it. You will need a break from studying for these rigorous Advanced Placement tests. It’s easy for you to just grab some Frito-Lays and lay down and watch a mind numbing television show like Keeping up with the Kardashians (for girls…or boys who like drama) or Sportcenter (for guys…or for girls who like sports). Instead go outside and get some fresh air (or just air). It has been proven that it is helpful to exercise after studying, as it makes you further memorize the material you just learned.

You may not need to use all of these steps while studying. However if you follow any of these steps, you will be well prepared for your AP Exams. If you follow these steps you won’t only study, but you will have fun doing it. That’s all for this installment of Josh’s Declassified School Survival Guide. Check for another instalment of Wolf Tracks.

JNR – I mean I liked this. Not as funny as normally, but I think the advice is more practical.