What is Philosophy? How having an opinion of philosophy automatically makes someone a philosopher?

Camille Denmark, Reporter

  “Love of wisdom” people undertake philosophy to seek the fundamental truths about themselves, the world they live in, and their relationships to the world and each other and trying to answer those questions. Breaking into 4 major areas of study.

  Metaphysics concerns the existence and nature of things that exist, a theory of reality. It concerns the nature of and the relations among the things that exist. Today the term is used to refer to the discussion of aspects of reality beyond physics for example.
> “Is there a God”
> “What is existence and the nature of existence?”
> “Do people have free wills”

  Epistemology is the theory of knowledge and regards to its methods validity and scope, and investigation of what distinguishes justified belief from opinion. What can we know about the world and how can we know it?
>What is knowledge
>Do we know anything at all?
> “What do you know? How do you know it?

  Ethics, probably the most popular section discusses the moral principles that govern a person’s behavior or the conducting of a task or activity. To dumb it down, right and wrong and what would be best to do.
> “What is good and what makes actions or people good?”
> “Is morality objective or subjective”
> “How should I treat others”

    Finally, logic is the reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of validity or the science of deducing and reasoning. Studying the nature of the structure of arguments and the reasons for people’s answers to previous outlined questions.
> “What constitutes “good” or “bad” reasoning?
> What constitutes the existence of God?

You could say Socrates the Father of Western Philosophy, is a loon and knows nothing- Congratulations Socrates 2.0, Having an opinion on philosophy -with of cometary makes you a philosopher because, the basis of philosophy is that we don’t know anything causing us to us to ask, deduce and argue these ideas and thoughts, It teaches critical thinking close reading clear writing and logical analysis in addition to communication and persuasive powers to describe the world and our place in it, a truly vicious cycle.