Teen Witch Flies: Spell Jars and capturing intention

Abby Alexander, Reporter

   Hello everyone and welcome or welcome back to “Teen Witch Files”. Here I, a major skeptic in the realm of witchcraft, will do research on different topics related to the practice and relay my findings to you. Some of these topics include reality shifting, hexes, lucid dreaming and crystals, chakra alignment, and the topic of today’s research, spell jars. This is something I see a lot of on TikTok, as I’m sure others do as well, so I’m curious to research them.

   The idea behind spell jars, also known as witch bottles, is to capture some sort of energy or intention in a way that is creative and feels most natural to the practitioner. Most of the ‘magic’ behind witchcraft is simply intention being put out into the universe in a way that would attract what you want in return. 

   Spell jars are typically made by taking a small glass bottle and filling it with items. These are typically herbs, spices, crystals, flowers, and most things natural that match the intention or that you connect with personally. You start with the heaviest of the items, and slowly work your way up to the lighter ones. 

   Versatility is what makes spell jars so functional and popular in the witchcraft community. If you want something, there is probably a spell jar out there to help you get it. There are spell jars to cleanse your home of negative energy, there are spell jars to attract money to your life, there are spell jars to attract a romantic partner to your life.

   Even if you don’t believe in the power behind spell jars, it’s been proven that you are 42% more likely to get something you want if you write it down, and the one thing that remains constant in every spell jar is writing the intention down on a small piece of paper and putting it inside the jar.

   I, personally, would love to be able to have small jars filled with things that remind me of my goals and intentions for what I want out of life. If not for the purpose of magic, then for the purpose of reminding me what I live for. Remember that just because something doesn’t align with your beliefs doesn’t make it any less valid. Be respectful of everyone’s practices and don’t judge something without giving it a chance.