Super Tuesday Results

Josh Boles, News Editor

The results of the most recent Super Tuesday may project the future president: will there be a First Lady or a First Man this year?

Super Tuesday is a day on which 13 states and one territory vote in the primaries for which presidential candidate should be president. The turnout this year yielded differing results for the two parties.

On the Democratic side Hillary overtook Bernie with a score of 1223 to Bernie’s 574. This does not determine the final choice for the nomination but past results have shown strong inclinations to which candidate is chosen.

On the Republican side Trump led with a score of 458, followed closely by Ted Cruz at 359, and Marco Rubio at 151. These results were far less one sided. Several Republican organizations, Conservatives of America included, have attempted to sabotage Trump recently by sending out disparaging mail to the households of America.

The Republicans have the chance to battle over 1237 delegates. Donald Trump, being the frontrunner will have the biggest opportunity in this. The Democrats have the opportunity the battle over 800 delegates, only about a third of the delegates they need to win.